"Java物件導向程式設計" & "網際網路應用系統設計"修課所使用之blog

星期一, 3月 14, 2005

3/7網際網路應用系統設計作業二 電子三乙 9126218 羅文偉

2. Read W3C/WAI

a. How many guidelines are there in WAI?
1. Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content.
2. Don't rely on color alone.
3. Use markup and style sheets and do so properly.
4. Clarify natural language usage
5. Create tables that transform gracefully.
6. Ensure that pages featuring new technologies transform gracefully.
7. Ensure user control of time-sensitive content changes.
8. Ensure direct accessibility of embedded user interfaces.
9. Design for device-independence.
10. Use interim solutions.
11. Use W3C technologies and guidelines.
12. Provide context and orientation information.
13. Provide clear navigation mechanisms.
14. Ensure that documents are clear and simple.

b. For each guideline, name a website as its counterexample by providing its URL and
the guideline it violates.
1. 中原大學:1.1 Provide a text equivalent for every non-text element (e.g., via "alt", "longdesc", or in element content). This includes: images, graphical representations of text (including symbols), image map regions, animations (e.g., animated GIFs), applets and programmatic objects, ascii art, frames, scripts, images used as list bullets, spacers, graphical buttons, sounds (played with or without user interaction), stand-alone audio files, audio tracks of video, and video.
2. 技嘉的顯卡網頁:2.2 Ensure that foreground and background color combinations provide sufficient contrast when viewed by someone having color deficits or when viewed on a black and white screen.
3. 鐵路局:3.7 Mark up quotations. Do not use quotation markup for formatting effects such as indentation
4. Delphi K.Top討論區:4.3 Identify the primary natural language of a document.
5. 牛仔服飾品牌:5.6 Provide abbreviations for header labels.
6. 地窖:6.4 For scripts and applets, ensure that event handlers are input device-independent.
7. 宇川技研:provide the ability to stop the refresh, do not create periodically auto-refreshing pages.
8. 東南溫泉飯店:8.1 Make programmatic elements such as scripts and applets directly accessible or compatible with assistive technologies.
9. 奇摩:9.3 For scripts, specify logical event handlers rather than device-dependent event handlers.
10. 晨火動漫:allow users to turn off spawned windows, do not cause pop-ups or other windows to appear and do not change the current window without informing the user.
11. 消逝的聲音:11.1 Use W3C technologies when they are available and appropriate for a task and use the latest versions when supported.
12. 龍昌機車材料精品量販:12.1 Title each frame to facilitate frame identification and navigation.
13. 遊戲天地:13.1 Clearly identify the target of each link.
14. 酷索斯達康:14.1 Use the clearest and simplest language appropriate for a site's content.



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